Wednesday, February 3, 2010

I Want to Take His Face - Off!

A quick word before I post this week's review - I'd like to thank my good friend Dan Eastabrook for putting together our new logo.  The original shot was taken by another good friend, Scott Horton, while we were on vacation in southern California and Dan kindly took the time to doctor the image according to my needs.  That included removing an awful reflection of myself, which is sitting in an attic somewhere growing older.  Thanks again to both of you!

1 comment:

  1. It's obvious of your passion for eateries of all types.

    You are providing a very real service by venturing forth, and them reporting back so the rest of us can enjoy.

    Of course, sooner or later we'll all go broke attending all these great establishments, but in the meantime, let's enjoy ourselves, and so what if an extra inch or two!!
