Wednesday, December 9, 2009

And so it begins...

Hello Victoria - we're Max & Bren, and we have a few things to say about your restaurants. We're fairly recent arrivals in your fair city and have spent a not-inconsiderable amount of money in many of your eateries, some of it was well-spent, some of it was spent in the Irish Times. The end result is that we've added a few inches to our waistline and we have a compulsion to add our opinions to this swirling mess of mediocrity called the Internet. Other than one being a vegetable and the other a bunch of fruits, we couldn't tell you the difference between endive and N'Sync but we sure can tell you whether or not we liked something, why, and if a restaurant is worth your hard-earned money. We're hoping to have an update for you every two weeks and we look forward to seeing what you've got to say. Let's have some fun with this.

Let's go.

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